
こどもににわ展 おうえんやま

~ 巨大な黒板であそぶ ~




場所:東京都現代美術館 こどものにわ展、東京都江東区
素材:段ボール、木材、黒板塗料、ウレタンクッション etc.
写真:森田兼次 東京都現代美術館「こどものにわ」展示風景



“Garden for Children” Cheering Mountain

~ Playing with a gigantic blackboard ~


This is the open space where children and adults can fully enjoy their drawing, in a part of the exhibition started from the question “Can we enter the museum with buggy?” In such an unusual scale of blackboards in the shape of mountains, cushions in the foot, peek-a-boo holes and strange arms, children start climbing and jumping up, and spread their energy of creation onto every corner. After two month of the exhibition period, this gigantic mountain was no longer a blackboard but a funny creature with whitey hair. I aimed to introduce Art not as something to think but feel in the body. People meet great creativity of all people who visited this place.


site: “Garden for Children” Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
organizer: Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
materials: card board, wood, blackboard paint, urethane cushion, etc.
photo: Kenji Morita, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo “Garden for Children”