

~ 木の下であそぶ・暮らす ~






場所:リビング・デザインセンター OZONE、東京都新宿区
施主:リビング・デザインセンター OZONE
素材:段ボール、木、ファー etc.



“Ko no mo to”

~ Playing and living under a Tree ~


It is a temporary open space for all ages, where they can spend time together in their own ways. “A white big tree” stands silently in the center and “crooked trunks” and “soft fruit cushions” are placed around it. Children play in and out of tunnel and climb into a tree house, lovers sit together on a fruit and read, mom and baby lie under the tree and relax, and an elderly couple is observing the whole scene from the cafe. Although they are all perfect strangers, “the big tree” unites all people’s activities, and provides calm landscape and beautiful memories of summer vacation.


site: Living Design Center OZONE, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo Japan
client: Living Design Center OZONE
construction: TSUKI-ZO ink.
materials: cardboard, wood, fur, etc.
photo: Osamu Kurihara